About Sifu David A Ross
Sifu David A Ross began training martial arts in large part to regain his health after having been diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of six. At the time of his diagnosis, half the children did not survive and many of those who did survive still had long term health problems. These experiences explain not only his personal dedication to the martial arts but also his lifelong career sharing their benefits.
David was extremely lucky, studying with many famous martial arts teachers over the years, including the late Chan Tai-San who adopted him as a formal disciple in a ceremony known as "Baai Si". From Chan Tai-San, he learned both Lama Pai Kung-Fu and the "Gam Gong Lihn Gung" (Tibetan VajraYoaga). Inspired by Chan Tai-San's experience as a San Da (hand-to-hand combat) instructor for the Foshan based special forces unit, David also developed his own brand of San Da training, embracing both traditional Chinese martial arts as well as foreign and modern training approaches.
David is also a graduate of the Elliott School of International Affairs with a Masters degree in Chinese history. He is an author, educator and consultant, who has spent close to three decades helping the public better understand real martial arts and helping thousands of individuals achieve their goals and live their dreams. He established New York San Da as part of his wider vision for the martial arts.